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Posted by Libari81Berty
6/4/2014  3:08:00 PM
Those of experience would have heard of that GREAT ENGLISH teacher Phyllis Haylor. My wife and I were very fortunate to have lessons with her.
We stopped dancing for over 30 years,started again in our seventies,keener than ever.
Now in our 80s know we will never be able to compete in Ballroom Competitions again ,but love training to be the best we can at our age.
Recently during a general dance session at a comp.,a well known international adjudicator ,who had never seen us before told us how well he thought we were dancing and when we told him we had had lessons with Miss Haylor all those years ago he said it was nice to see those lessons had stuck and how refreshing it was to see the good Basics in use with some nice moves.
To-day ,out of the blue I had the devastating news that all the pain I have been dancing through has resulted in me needing a Hip Replacement Surgery.
We thought we would have at least another five years doing the thing we love,THE JOY OF DANCE.
Does anyone know of dancers of our age coming back after this operation ?.
To all you dancers out there,enjoy your dancing while you can,for us the last ten years has flown by .Have met some lovely people and have had some wonderful times.Has it all now come to an end? We sincerely hope not

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